For more than last 3 decades, Micro-credit program has been actively working for the encouragement and improvement of social and economic condition of economically low people to reduce poverty of Nation. During this time many organizations have come forward to facilitate many people around along with many challenges in sector of micro-credit.
The objectives of this summit are:
· Benefit that people have got from Micro-credit program
· Live interaction from the people, who have been benefited, and the Micro-credit organizations.
· Expectation of people from Micro-credit.
· Future improvement and enhancements for micro-credit.
Manushi Micro-credit has been actively working for fulfilling the mention objectives and have been continuously providing services to many people. It was really great for Manushi Micro-credit to participate in the summit held in Kathmandu on Dec 1- Dec 2 2018. We are proud to hear positive response from our client.